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Simone and the Novembrists

Created: 11/06/12

Replies: 2

Posted Nov. 06, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Erin G

Join Date: 05/24/12

Posts: 41

Simone and the Novembrists

The Novembrists are described as a terrorist group and are responsible for at least one public bombing. Simone, in particular, is clearly willing to kill Kayla and even Hannah if they jeopardize the safety of members of the movement. Do you think any cause can justify these sorts of actions, or have the Novembrists crossed a line? For me, I could never see Simone as a truly good person, even though she had clearly suffered and was fighting for a good cause. Hannah hopes to see her again, but ultimately Simone is a killer.

Posted Nov. 06, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/05/12

Posts: 35

RE: Simone and the Novembrists

I think that Simone felt that she was a soldier in a war for human rights. I don't know if this excuses her actions, but it certainly frames the issue in a different way than to see her as a terrorist. I think the FIST is more properly described as a terrorist organization because they are acting only out of hate. The Novembrists are not acting out of hate but out of a desire to take care of people and to implement the practices that they see as being humane.

Posted Nov. 07, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/11/11

Posts: 37

RE: Simone and the Novembrists

I had difficulty with the tactics that were used by the Novembrists. They might not have been as brutal as the Firsts but I don't think their actions were justified when it came to killing others. It seems to me that the means justifying the end was the way they viewed this dystopia.


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